Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Big Girl!

My baby started Preschool yesterday! I can't believe it! She was so happy and marched right into her class. At least until she tripped, then she didn't want me to go. Her teachers said she did really well and was very good. She sure had a lot to show me and tell me when I picked her up. It was very nice to be able to run my photo shoot errands with only the baby. They sure went a lot faster! I think I have almost everything I need now! Pumpkin crop has messed up some plans, but I think I worked it out. I'm getting very excited about this weekend now!
(The first picture is her with her backpack ready to go into school. She was very excited about the playground and didn't really want ot stand still for her picture! The second was right before I left. She was still upset. How could you leave a face like that?)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness, her hair is SOOO long and has a gorgeous shape. Molly won't have hair that long until she's like 4, and even then, it will probably be so curly it won't be nearly as easy to manage.