Wednesday, August 30, 2006


We have been so very busy around here. I feel without any time to post. I have so many pictures to show and so little time to go through them. Between traveling, doing my errunds, cleaning the house and cooking once Home, Sophy's doctor's appointment, and my Homemade gormet party I feel like it's been a whirl wind month. So here's the updates:

Once home we spent a lot of time cleaning and shopping and getting everything unpacked. We Had a homemade gormet party last night. It was a meal making party where everyone came over with their meat and made 5 meals to take home and freeze. A lot like suppertyme, but cheeper and easier. It was a lot of fun having everyone over here cooking. I placed my homemade gormet order today and can't wait to get my yummy mixes! For everyone that didn't get to come we having one at Lisa's house next! You'll have to ask her about the date.
I took Sophy to her one year appointment yesterday. She got her shots, boy she didn't like that! The MMR shot was the worst! She screemed SO LOUD! It was not fun. She was sleepy, but refused to sleep the rest of the day, but she slept well last night! Here are the official stats:
Height: 25%
Weight 25%
Head: 95%
So she's a little girl with a giant head! He said it's a little early to do real milk since her tummy didn't like it, so we are supposed to try again at 15 months. He said since milk based formula was fine she isn't lactose intolerant, but ratehr since she's small it'll just take her longer to be ready to digest milk. He also said she was beautiful and right on track developmentally! Yea! Go Sophy!
It looks like Jeff will be traveling in October, not to Japan, but traveling none the less. So he'll be gone 4 weeks int he next two months! Yuck! Of course he'll have all of december off so I guess I can't complain too much!
Sophy is currently trying to climb out of her wagon (which she climbed into by herself) in the window sill which is NOT big enough for her to fit into. The whole time going "mama, help". Help is the new word today. On sunday she started saying "baby". She seems to be adding words left and right anymore. Earlier today she was crawling under the piano bench and she started crawling on her feet with her butt in the air. With her bottom in the air like that the bench wasn't tall enough and got stuck on her. So she's crawling alone pulling the bench behind her looking at me like "why can't I go any faster?". It was very funny.
I thought I'd add some pictures of Sophy's birthday party. It went really well. She loved her cake. Thought everyone would like to see the pictures.

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