Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Our Little Climber!

Sophy has become such a climber! As she's grown it's just gotten worse because she can reach more! So now I keep catching her climbing onto or on things all over the house. I decided to take a few pictures of our little monkey on the things that seem to be her favorite to climb on. So here is Sophy the Monkey Child! She has also started saying certain things alot. She started saying "dadu" Kinda like Mork on Mork and Mindy "nanu nanu". Only it's "Dadu dadu". It cracks us up! She says "yeah" a lot too. Not "yes" just "yeah". She'll babble a lot like she's talking about something very important in a different language and the stop and look at you and say "yeah?". It's very funny! She has also started saying "mena mena mena" which just as it sounds is gibberish. It's important to us because it sounds just like Hana did when she was babbling. All you Dallas folks know what I'm talking about! It's like a flash back, only Sophy is smaller.


swatterson said...

Cute pics! I can't believe she climbs so much! Crazy little girl!

Anonymous said...

Wow Shannon. Look at you being a mom. I can't believe I've never met your husband or your baby. I'll have to show you some pics of my boys sometime.