Wednesday, February 01, 2006

6 months already?

Sophy is 6 months Old today!
Wow there has been alot going on lately! I took Sophy to the doctor on tuesday for her shots. She had dropped to 20% in weight and 50% in height so he said it was finally time to worry about her constant spitup! So we now have her on medicine and she hasn't spit up in 2 days! It's amazing! She got her shots and has been a little grumpy though!
I had a cute idea from a lady I met at the fabric store for Sophy's valentines/6 month portraits! I made her a Tutu! It turned out great! She does like to try to eat it though! I took some pictures here at home of her in it, but the professional portraits I had taken today were much better! It was a lot of work for that tutu, but totally worth it for the pictures!
I have been scrapbooking a lot lately, trying to catch up! I'm so far behind! Well i hear Sophy calling.....ta!


Amber said...

Wow, she's so cute! And that tutu is priceless.

I'm glad you are enjoying being a mommy.

Anonymous said...

She's beautiful, Shannon.

You have a lot to be proud of.


Anonymous said...

She is so squeezable! What a precious baby girl.

~ Darla