Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Birthday Girl!

Today my baby turns one! She's so Big! I can't believe how much she has grown over the last year. Still not as much as she should have, but I think it's a lot. We had her one year portraits done today. We went to a place called Portrait Innovations. I must admit that I liked them a lot. They are a bit more expensive than I like, but still cheaper than Lifetouch. I liked the portraits a lot, but I still like Film better than digital for portraits even if it does take two or three weeks to get your pictures back. Anyway we don't have to get her pictures taken for at least six months now. It will be a change from once a month or more! Well here are just some of the great pictures we had taken today. I got a disk with 62 pictures one it! Can you believe it?
Edit: I have more pictures, but for some reason blogger won't let me publish them right now! Grrr! I'll try again later so be sure to check back to see them!
Second Edit: Well I got one to load, but not any more! Aggg!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Sophie!