Monday, July 31, 2006


I haven't sat down to write in a long time. We've been very busy around here. Sophy is as active as ever and we are running to keep up with her. Jeff went away for two weeks to Portugal. He had a good time, but hated the actual travel. I think he was very ready to get home on sunday! Sophy and I toughed it out all alone for two weeks and boy were we glad to have him home! Sophy is one day away from her birthday. It's hard to believe that a year ago I was still pregnant and she wasn't even here yet! In someways it seems like I've known Sophy my whole life and she's always been here, and in other ways I can't believe she's already a year old. It seem like yesterday we were bringing a tiny new bundle home from the hospital! Ok so the last two weeks in reveiw:
Jeff left on a sunday and boy was I sick! I was sick for a full week. On monday after he left Sophy started crawling out of her bed and over her baby gates so I headed off to baby depo for a toddler bed and three new baby gates that she can't crawl over. They worked great. Trish brought her nephews over to use our pool. They had a blast playing in the pool, with our xbox and playing with Sophy. It was super cute. On Sunday I finally started feelingwell again. It was very nice. I had Trish and Aaron over to celebrate her birthday on Tuesday night. Aaron p[layed with Sophy and we all ate a good meal. We had church on Wednesday night and on Thursday I readied for our final garage sale. Jen watched Sophy while I manned the sale on friday and we did very well. On Saturday around noon I was sure we had done all we were going to so Trish and I packed up the remaining stuff. Jeff was supposed to get home on friday night, but didn't make it until early sunday morning instead. So I spent most of saturday cleaning up the hose after the garage sale and cleaning the garage up. When Jeff got home, Surprise! He got to park in the garage too! Both cars finally fit! It was exciting. I made enough in the garage sale to go buy Sophy's birthday present. I can't wait till her party to give it to her. She gets her portrait taken tommorrow and we'll have a little dinner for her. Then her party is saturday. I'm more excited than she is, she doesn't know what's going on! So now we have a week at home before we head off to Omaha with Jeff. That is of course if tinker doens't change their minds about things the night before (they've been know to do that). I guess that's all with us!

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