Tuesday, September 22, 2009


For those of you wondering I am still reading faithfully. I am currently reading book #72 on my list of 100. I am doing my best to limit it to Young Adult or Middle Grade books. I figure I can count it as research for my next novel this way. Then I don't feel so bad about reading so much and leaving my writing by the wayside. I have decided on my next project. The more I think about it the more I like it even. I still have a few bumps to work out, but by the time I hit my 100 book goal (or fail miserably on new years eve) I will be all ready to sit and write happily along.
In my reading I'm on the 3rd in a series of 4 books. I went to the bookstore today to pick up the 4th one so I'd have it when I finished. I walked along the beautiful rows of books wishing I had an endless supply of gift cards to get books. Oh well, dreams and all, but wouldn't that be grand? It did get me thinking about the books I want and the ones I need to fill holes in my collections.
I borrowed several books (and by several I mean a large box full) from my mom to help me to my 100 goal earlier this year. It gets expensive buying books so borrowing them sure helps. Only several of the series I got from her were missing one or two books. After I got home from the bookstore I finally sat down and made a complete list of the books I still need/want.
It took a while, but I finally figured out an easy way to access google docs from my iPhone. This is handy since I keep most my lists in google docs. I updated my list of books I want to include the ones to fill the holes, then went so far as making a complete list of all the Georgette Heyer and Christopher Stasheff books I own ( the two authors that I am always searching for in used bookstores). They each got their own google doc for the purpose! I even looked up complete lists of works for each author and added that being sure to copy over any I was missing to my "Books I Want" document. I love feeling organized, even if it is a huge ploy to avoid the laundry!
So now I need to make a pilgrimage to a used bookstore. The one I liked here in Edmond closed! Do you know of any good Used Bookstores nearby?

1 comment:

the Spocks said...

There is a half-price books in OKC. Also, you can get used books online at paperbackswap.com

Sarabeth W