Thursday, October 05, 2006

New Baby!

Here is the update on the new baby. I went to the Doctor on Monday. She did a full blood work up and I still need to get the results on all that. She had me scheduale an ultrasound which I had today. It went very well. All looks good. The due date is officially changed to May 9th, 2007. I'm 9 weeks one day. So I'll have to figure out how to change my ticker. Maybe I'll leave it the same since I'll be delievering a week early anyway. So I won't be posting a baby center update until next week when I'm finally 10 weeks for real. Here is a picture of my new baby at 9 weeks. He/She/It looks like a teddy bear. Cute huh? Well that is all there is to tell until I hear more news.

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