Sunday, June 08, 2008

Are you hungry?

Today after her breakfast, a healthy yougart and bowl of cereal, Sophy stated that she was still hungry and wanted cake. I think it had a lot to do with her father standing in the kitchen eating cake for breakfast. The cake is lemon and had no frosting (a mess up cake from attempting to make a smooth iced cake for class) so I thought "why not". Jeff cut her a small piece and put it on a plate. Unfortunately he chose a segmented plate that we use for dinner time. Luckily it only had two sections. She took a look at the plate and demanded that something be put in the smaller section. We asked her what and began looking for some sort of fruit that would fit int he small space. She piped up that she wanted "Ketchup". So I decided I'd put some on to avoid the tantrum and try not to look as she ate her cake. Sure enough she sat and dipped her lemon cake into her ketchup and cleaned her plate! Yuck! Jeff stood by giving me the play by play since I refused to look at her. By the end I decided this needed to be kept for prosperity so here is a picture of Sophy eating Lemon cake and ketchup.

1 comment:

Aaron Pogue said...

Oh, that's just nasty....