Thursday, March 16, 2006

Doctor Check up!

So I took Sophy in to the doctor for a weight check yesterday. I was very excited thinking that she had finally gained some weight! However, I was apparently only going there to have all my hopes dashed! Sophy weighs 15.8 lbs. For those of you who wonder that is 10th percentile for her age! So it's dropped once again. We are now supposed to feed her 4 solid food feedings and 4 nursing feedings a day and add 1 tab of butter to all her solid food feedings! It's sad when you have to add butter to her food to put a little fat on her.
I on the other hand have the opposite problem! I am going to the Gym (yes, I shannon am one pass out from the shock!) and watching calories and still I lose no weight. Well, not no weight, but very little. I'll just keep trying though, because I actually feel alot better lately.
Even though Sophy isn't gaining weight, she is good in all other ways! She is crawling all over the place and I can't seem to keep those little hands out of things! She is super cute and always very happy. We've even gotten to sleep all night a few times lately! It's really much better around here.


Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about the weight issue. Perhaps you could feed her Mac-n-cheese--that seems to put the weight on me easily enough! ;) lol.

Glad to hear that she is sleeping through the night.


Anonymous said...

she is so cute! I feel ya on the losing weight thing....ironically, I am starting my diet today too! There is a yoga class in Searcy (I know, high class, right? hehe!)
Good to hear from you and your family!


Amber said...

Sophy is darling! Even though she can't seem to gain weight, she's still cute as a button.

Daniel and I began the South Beach Diet. The first two weeks, I didn't like too much, but I lost 15 pounds! Basically you cut out your flours and sugars. The first two weeks are so hard, but so worth it. It jump started our weight loss, and really helped us feel better.

Good luck!