Thursday, April 06, 2006

Beautiful bows!


Did you know I make hairbows? I do. I was in the store one day and I saw the cutest bow with pink feathers on it! I turned it over to see if I could get it and it was $6!!!! That's TOO much for one bow for a little girl! So I started my quest to make bows for Sophy. Since then I have expanded and now make them for friends and family as well. I just found some of the cutest ribbon! I thought I would post a few of my bows! These are not all of them, I have tons of the tuxedo bows because I like them best. The feather ones are fun too! I spent a lot of time makeing these layouts on Photoshop so I could show a lot of my fun bows. It was hard to choose my faviorites, and some of them the pictures didn't turn out as good so I couldn't use them. Like the one that is Leopard Print with Black featers or the one that is pink and brown stripe ribbone with pink feathers. Man you spend so much time on something and it's hard not to get attached!
If any of you need a bow to match something just call or comment. I'll try to make it for you as quick as possible, also Darla if you read this just email me what you want and I can mail it to you! I also make Bow holders. I wanted one but they are stupidly expensive (think 250% markup!) so I started makeing those too. Just let me know what colors you want to match the room. If any of you know of fun ribbon somewhere let me know! I'm always on the look out! Now I have to go make a pink and yellow bow for Sophy to match one of her outfits!


Anonymous said...

Do you make glue-on hair extension bows? Like where it has a perfect ponytail to glue to a bald baby's head? Just kidding.
I just want a couple cutsey bows that Miss Molly can wear. Like the basics, I guess. I've never bought bows because they always come with the glued on piece that attaches to hair only. How much would that run me?

Shannon said...

The Tuxedo bows are $1, the Tiny bows are $0.75, and the big bows are $2.00 without feathers and $2.50 with feathers. I also have headbands made of super soft strech lace or pantyhose (yes's soft and stays on their head well(you can't tell it's pantyhose unless you look closely)) for $1.00. With those bands there is a ribbon loop to interchange the bows so you could get a white band and put pink, red, ect. bows on it. Your mom is coming down tonight, I can send them back with her if you want.

Anonymous said...

Can I get 1 headband, and then 4 tuxedo bows (pink, purple, yellow and white)? I'll either send you a check, or have mom pay you and I'll pay her back. I'm stuck at home trying to clean the house before the weekend, so I can have time to spend with my hubs.

Unknown said...

Can we see the back of some of them? Gracie doesn't like certain types of bows.


Amber said...


That's awesome! How professional those look! You could really start your own business, ya know. Congrats on making your own stuff. That's pretty cool. Unfortunately, I don't have a need for any bows. But when I do, I'll be giving you a call!

swatterson said...

Shannon, I think you should try selling these and your little tutu's that you make on ebay. I think you could probably make some money doing that!

Anonymous said...

where does one get the pantyhose headbans

Shannon said...

I make pantyhose headbands.