Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Summer or Spring?

It has been so HOT around here! It has been in the 90s! Yesterday it was even 101! I had been eyeing a cute baby pool for Sophy that I was going to get this summer, but since it was so Hot out I thought I would go ahead and get it so that she could enjoy it now. It's really fun. It has a ball toss and ring toss game. A fun floaty and a slide. It even has a sprinkler that shoots water on the slide! Sophy loves it because the largest part is only about 2 inches deep and she can crawl around in the water and play. I just sit next to her and watch. It's loads of fun! Jeff came home to us in the pool yesterday. We quickly took some pictures!
So now that the pool is all set up we can have pool parties with Sophy's friends! Jessica is bringing Ruthie and Matthew over to play today now that the water has had a chance to get a bit warmer. Hopefully my camera will work!
I was going to post yesterday, but my camera is on the fritz and I couldn't get it to work. I finally got it to work long enough to download our pictures, but I'm not so sure it's going to last much longer. It's going to cost $150 to fix it! I think it's time we broke down and got us a new camera with more mega pixels!
So if anyone wants to come over for a pool party just call! The pool is really for 3 years and under, but older kids might have fun too! I sure had fun with Sophy yesterday!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sorry it took so long to update. She looks so cute in her little pool. We're going to get one for Molly because she just loves water. We just haven't gotten around to it.