Monday, July 14, 2008

Today was a fun "settling in day". We took a trip to walmart, not so exciting, but the views around here are amazing! Then we went searching for Kid's kingdom. It's a playground nearbyt hat was a lot of fun. We didn't let the girls play long because it rained last night and everything was wet.
After that Jeff was excited to drive up to Cloudcroff. It's a tiny little town on top of one of the mountains. It's about 15 minutes away and you climb crazy high crazy fast. We stopped to take a lot of pictures on the way back. In the last pictre you see here if you look from bottom to top you see: The mountain we are on, Alamogordo, desert, white sands, the mountains, and the sky! We kept thinking we saw clouds at the foot of the mountians, but that's White Sands! We were amazed by how far away we could see it across the horizon. I am now looking forward to driving out there to check it out, but Jeff doesn't seem to intrested. We'll see who wins!

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