Sunday, May 11, 2008

birthdays and holidays!

This last weekend I was blessed to get to see my grandmother celebrate her 70th birthday! This woman has always been such a huge influence in my life. Next to my mother she has had more to do with how I turned out and who I am today than anyone else. On this mother's day I'm glad to think of how important my mom is and how much she has taught me. I never fully understood how big a job she had till I had that job myself. To not only keep a kid a live but teach them how to be productive members of our society, loving caring individuals, aware and in love with our creator, and how to be a good mom on top of it all. I only hope that someday I'll be able to watch my girls as moms and know that I did my mom justice. I hope I turned out like my mom so my girls will turn out like her too.
I love you mommy!
(p.s. I made the cake, my first attempt at a tiered cake. I think it turned out ok, but I learned a lot for next time too!)


Aaron Pogue said...

I talked with Mom yesterday, and she said the whole weekend went wonderfully. Sounds like Grandma got some great surprises, and had a perfect birthday party.

I'm glad you were able to go. The cake really was beautiful. I'm impressed you got it all the way to Dallas without incident.

Nicki said...

Grandma Darlene sure doesn't act her age! It's nice when we get to see her, she gave me a big ole hug at Lola's birthday. I'm glad you and your "moms" had a good time.