Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Loads of fun!

Today is Laundry day! Oh what fun! Loads and Loads to be exzact...hee hee. Ok so that wasn't so funny.
Sophy has a new habit of screaming all evening long right before bedtime. It's not a fun habit. She'll finally calm down right before she falls asleep. The good part is she's sleeping longer again. All night most nights. We think she's in the early stages of teething. Poor little girl. It's so hard when you know your child hurts and there's nothing you can do for it. Do any of you wise parents out there have any ideas?
It's amazing what you can learn from other parents/generations. For instance: I was trying to give Sophy a bath in the sink at my grandmother's house. Only Sophy kept slipping out of my hands because of the soap. My grandma suggested that I place a towel in the sink. This way she doesn't slide around and it's softer for her. What a great idea! So simple, yet I wouldn't have thought of it. See, that's why Sophy is named after her!
I learned how to make links last night. It's very helpful to have a programer in the family (thanks Greg). You can now find links to our friends sites and to pictures! I'll be adding more pictures As I go! Check back often!


Anonymous said...

Sometimes, little ones will have a "fussy" period during their day. Nothing is really wrong...they just need to vent for the day. Even that young. Zane had his fussy period every day between 6-8. Yes, my time to spend with him when I got off work and he was fussy. Give it some time and the fussy period will pass. It's just a phase.

Love You! ~ Aunt Darla

Anonymous said...

Darla's right. LilliAnn started at about 3 mos. and would cry from dinner time till about 11 or 12. I always felt bad for Graham since that was the only time he had with her. It didn't last long, but it felt horrible at the time. People kept asking me if she was collicky which I vehemently denied. Who knows why their like that? Just do your best to survive it. We love you!

Unknown said...

Hey Shannon. I don't know if your little one takes a paci or not, but I've learned a trick. Take a paci, hold it under the water, and squeeze all the air out so the bulb fills with water. Then stick it in the freezer. If Sophie is really teething, that will help some.

Check out my blog. mghollis.blogspot.com


Unknown said...

Oh yeah... now is the time to get into a routine. For us, it's bath, lotion, pjs, swaddle, bottle, rock, paci. It really helps Gracie to sleep longer.


Amber said...


I've been viewing your blog for a couple of days now, just hadn't had to the time to reply yet. I think this will be a good way for us to keep up with each other. When I have time to figure out links and to find pics, I'll link your blog, too.

Hope all is well. I love your pics! Sophy is so beautiful! And growing quickly too!
